Women’s World Champion Anna Ushenina lost the third game with white pieces and let her opponent to increase the lead in the Women’s World Championship Match by 3 points. The position became very complex after the opening and as in the previous games Anna had time troubles before the first time control. Hou Yifan masterfully used her chance and went for a sharp continuation. Anna started to make mistakes and her position became lost. World Champion made the 40th move on the board but lost on time.
Ukrainian player decided to avoid unfortunate Nimzo-Indian but looks like Hou Yifan was ready for “new” opening and was not spending much time at the start of the game. The position converted into Benony structure with chances for both sides. Another option was to take on b5 with a pawn. “It would be a different game. I just preferred to activate my knight”, pointed out Hou Yifan Yifan played bravely 31…c4 and the position became very sharp. With 3 minutes on her clock Anna Ushenina started to make mistakes. 33.Bd4? Both played didn’t give an exact answer what did they calculate after 33.Qb4. Houdini shows an interesting force line after 33…Ra2 34.Qb5 and… Re4! 35.Rf1 Ree2 36.Qxc4 Qb2 37.Qc8+ Kh7 38.Qf5+ with perpetual. After 33.Bd4 Qg5 Black position became better and Hou Yifan won the third game with Black pieces.